Andrew Miller, admin. of Margaret Miller deceased vs Alfred Bellwood, admin. of Harvey Vanderhoof deceased 1846

Description: The file contains numerous subpoenas, receipts of accounts, a receipt from the jail, and two depositions of the suit the estate of Margaret Miller brought against the estate of Harvey Vanderhoof. The deposition concerns Margaret Shushers status in the Vanderhoof home and the jail receipt is for Shushers stay in jail. Five subpoenas were issued for the suit the Margaret Miller estate issued against the Harvey Vanderhoof estate. The following people were summoned during this case: Azira Kuykendall, Adam Purcell, Joseph Sheulds, John Davis, James H. Hooten, Washington Lamphere, Martin, Anthis, Samuel Barger, John Belwood, William Holley, Hiram Miller. All the subpoens were issued by the Knox County Clerk, W.R. McCord and were executed by Isaac Mass, Sheriff, H. Scott, Deputy Sheriff, or L. L. Watson, Bailiff. James Hooten stated in a Deposition that he knows of Margaret Shusher keeping house about then years ago about one summer -- before his death -- from April until after the sale. Margaret stated she had been living with Vanderhoof about 2 1/2 years but appeared to be more the Lady of the House than a hireling. Adam Purcell: about 3 1/2 years Vanderhoff said Margaret lived with him in a conversation about a prosecution against him in court, did not see why he could not have Vanderhoof, wife, some six month of the above time. (unclear as to the meaning of this statement.) Also submitted was a bill for the boarding of Margaret Shusher in the Knox County Jail from September 21 until November 10, 1841. The total bill was $18.06 1/4 written by L. Almy. There is also a receipt of Margaret Shusher for $30.61 from the hands of Harvy Vanderhoof on an execution against him in favor of the State of Indiana, March 1842 by Abraham Smith. An account sheet of Harvey Vanderhoof with Margaret Miller included the following: services commencing October 1839 and ending July 1843 . 3 years and 9 months a $1.00/ week $195; one milch [milking] cow $8.00, 4 head of hogs @ $2.10 each $10.00, 2 sow and 7 pigs $4.00, cash paid out at his request $6.00 Total Bill of $223.00. The Miller estate submitted a bill to the Vanderhoof estate for $48.67 1/4: $30.61 amount paid to Smith and $18.06 1/4 amount paid to Almy.
Origin: 2016-12-21
Created By: Indiana. Probate Court (Knox County); Indiana. Circuit Court (Knox County);
Collection: Early Vincennes, 1732-1835
Copyright: No Copyright - United States
Subjects: Indiana Territory
Accounts -- Indiana Territory
Court records -- Indiana Territory -- Knox County
Depositions -- Indiana Territory
Executors and administrators -- Indiana Territory
Livestock -- Indiana Territory
Personal debt -- Indiana Territory
Probate courts -- Indiana Territory
Probate records -- Indiana Territory
Receipts (Acknowledgments) -- Indiana Territory
Summons -- Indiana Territory
Subpoena -- Indiana Territory
Court Records

Further information on this record can be found at its source.