Collection Order

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Alexander D. Scott vs Margaret W. Scott, Samuel R. Alexander, Nancy Ann his wife, William S. T. Scott, heirs of Samuel T. Scott, deceased

Description: The file includes the estate of William S. T. Scott and the petition to sell the property for the widow, Margaret Scott, to get her dower and the other heirs their share of the property. The petition by Alexander Scott, the assigning of the commissioners, guardian ad. litems report, the commissioners report and article from the Vincennes Gazette describing the properties are included. Alexander D. Scott by his attorney, George Ewing, petitioned the court that the property owned by Samuel T. Scott be divided between his legal heirs. The properties were described as 150 acres, part of Donation lot Number 2, in Knox County. 160 acres, being the North East Quarter of Section 19,Township 2, South Range 10 West, in Gibson County. 160 acres being the South East Quarter of Section 26, Township 5, South Range 13 west in Posey County and two lots in the Borough of Vincennees, know by Numbers 225 and 226. During the May Term 1838, Scott again appeared with his attorney, Ewing and produced the publication in the Vincennes Gazette that describes the property going through probate. Additionally, the guardian ad. litem of William Scott, William R. McCord, reported that he agreed to the division of the estate. The court then appointed, John D. Hay, Samuel Emison, and Abraham Smith to act as commissioner to evaluate the properties and to make a report on an even distribution. May 14, 1838, Richard Y. Caddington, swore before George W. Ewing, Master in Chancery, that the newspaper publication describing the property was run for four weeks in the Vincennes Gazette. May 15, 1838, Judge, Martin Robinson, swore in John D. Hay, Samuel Emison and Abraham Smith to faithfully and justly act as commissioners. The commissionerss report gave Margaret W. Scott, eighty acres of land in Knox County being part of Lot Number Two in the Old Donation boundary and described as follows: beginning at the South corner of said Donation Lot Number to in the Old Donation running, north forty-five degrees East Thirty two chains and forty-links, thence North forty-five degrees West twenty five chains, thence South forty-five degrees West thirty-two chains and forty links, and hence South forty-five degrees East twenty-five chains to the place of the beginning as her dower. The rest of the properties were divided and were to be given evenly among the remaining heirs.
Origin: 2916-11-10
Created By: Indiana. Probate Court (Knox County);
Collection: Early Vincennes, 1732-1835
Copyright: No Copyright - United States
Subjects: Indiana Territory
Appraisers -- Indiana Territory
Arbitrators -- Indiana Territory
Court records -- Indiana Territory -- Knox County
Executors and administrators -- Indiana Territory
Guardian and ward -- Indiana Territory
Petitions -- Indiana Territory
Personal property -- Valuation -- Indiana Territory
Probate courts -- Indiana Territory
Probate records -- Indiana Territory
Real Property -- Indiana Territory
Court Records

Further information on this record can be found at its source.