Collection Order

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Laurient Bazadon vs George Rogers Clark

Description: Laurient Bazadon filed a bill of complaint of trespass against George Rogers Clark, of Jefferson County, state of Kentucky. The complaint stated thaton or about October 14, 1786 at Fort Vincennes Clark with a body of men under military appearance, (Ouabache Regiment) armed with swords and knives broke in his house and took away the goods, wares, merchandise, furs, peltries, books of account and papers to the said value of twenty thousand dollars and disposed of the goods to his own use. Bazadon asked for a Writ of Attachment against Clark which was witnessed by Pierre Gamelin and signed by Robert Buntin. James Johnson allowed the Writ of Attachment. Bazadons lawyer was Isaac Darniell and Gab Jones Johnson represented Clark. A listing of Clarks properties are included in the files. The case was dismissed April 1799
Origin: 2016-09-13
Created By: Northwest Territory. Court of Common Pleas (Knox County);
Contributor(s): Gamelin, Pierre; Johnson, James;
Collection: Early Vincennes, 1732-1835
Copyright: No Copyright - United States
Subjects: Northwest, Old
Attachment and garnishment -- Northwest Territory
Clark, George Rogers, 1752-1818
Complaints (Administrative procedure) -- Northwest Territory
Court records -- Northwest Territory -- Knox County
Damages -- Northwest Territory
Hides and skins -- Northwest Territory
Judgments -- Northwest Territory
Personal Property -- Valuation -- Northwest Territory
Court Records

Further information on this record can be found at its source.