Knox County court record for Simon Mayho vs. Weltons, 1829

Description: Folder 3666 in Box 67 of Knox County Circuit Court records at the Knox County Public Library’s McGrady-Brockman House contains six documents in the case of Simon Mayho vs Weltons, 1829. Simon Mayho, a man of color filed a suit against Ebenezer and William Welton for taking 240 bushels of corn from his property at a value of sixty dollars and withheld payment from him. While the judgement was pending in court Ebenezer Welton made an agreement with Mayho’s attorney, G. Ewing to pay the debt and court costs. Documents in the folder include the affidavit of Mayho, statement of Ebenezer Welton, attorney statements, security bonds, and receipt for legal fee to Ewing.
Origin: 1829
Contributor(s): Mayho, Simon; Welton, Ebenezer; Ewing, George; Welton, William;
Collection: Knox County Public Library
Copyright: No Copyright - United States
Geography: Vincennes, Knox County, Indiana, United States
Subjects: Black people -- America -- History
African Americans -- History
Black people -- History
Slave records
Slave labor
Enslaved women
Enslaved men
Slavery -- Law and legislation
Indentured servants
Indiana -- Northwest
Indiana -- History
Vincennes (Ind.)
Knox County (Ind.)

Further information on this record can be found at its source.