Collection Order

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Knox County probate record for Alfred Purcell, 1857 #3

Description: The probate record for Alfred Purcell is housed in Box 58 of the Knox County probate records. There are several files for Alfred, this is file 3. It can be found at the Knox County Public Library’s McGrady-Brockman House. Some of contents that can be found in this file are the following items: debts owed to William Setzer, debts owed to J. P. Reynold, appraiser bill owed to William Jones, newspaper advertisement, inventory of the estate, a subpoena, statement of insolvency, rebuttals, several summons, receipts of payment, and a deposition order was filed.
Origin: 1857
Contributor(s): Purcell, Alfred; Setzer, William; Reynold, J. P.; Jones, William;
Collection: Knox County Public Library
Copyright: No Copyright - United States;
Geography: Vincennes, Knox County, Indiana, United States
Subjects: Knox County (Ind.)
probate records

Further information on this record can be found at its source.