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OK \J0State Highs girls sports are represented through the G, A. A.This last year the organization has been reorganized under a newconstitution. All the usual sports were offered, but no awards weremade.The G. A. A. and the soccer team from, the College tied in twogames played in the fall. The bolley ball game with the college waslost.The interests of the girls centered around basket ball duringthe winter season. The tournament was not completed but the sophomores were obviously the winners.Swimming has been continued throughout the entire year and therehas always been a good representation in the Tuesday classes at theY. W. C. A.A full program of spring sports included baseball, track, tennis,golf, skating, swimming, and bicycling.The officers for this year were:President—Ruth Van CleaveVice-president—Rebekah TalbottSecretary—Geneva Rose SankeyTreasurer--Jane MechlingSOPHOMORISMTell me not in mournful numbersExaminations are but empty dreams,For the brain is dull that slumbersAnd grades are not what they seem.Study hardj Exams are earnest,For to flunk is not the goal,Flunk thou art, a flunk returnest,Was not spoken of us all.Lives of flankers all remind lis,Well not throw our bluff as far,Nor departing, leave behind usGoose eggs for the registrar.Trust no pony, howcer pleasantITake an airship, dont delay!Act? Act in the living present!Be a 1 er t, and b la z e away.Lives of Seniors all remind us,Wo can strive to do our best,And departing, leave behind usNote books that will help thest.M |
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Indiana State University Archives |
Further information on this record can be found at its source.