Collection Order

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Description: n\j>The Latin Club, which has been inactive for the past two or threeears, wasEwin.Thereorganizedofficers ofthi:thedirection of Miss Gertrude3 year underclub are:PresideAt-Virginia LeeVice-President-Dorothy LenhartSecretary-Mary PiersonTreasurer-Helen HeorAt the meetings of the club, which are held each month,have been various types of programs, among them playlets anding of slides. A Roman Banouot, to be given in the style ofRoman, has been planned as the final event of the year.therethe whow-theW1The Home Economicshome of Lucille Holmes.ficers for the year:erClub hold its first meeting of the year at theThe following students were elected as of-mootings h vThschool.During these fouring the Home EconomicsPrcsidcnt-Jene Dru AllenVice-president-Lucile HolmesSecretary-Gertrude CroninTr ca sur er - Jane Ki t chbeen held alternately at the homosand at thescreen, a cover fojtables. Any extraoperation of theHome Economics Clubmonths, they have accomplished muclroom. They made curtains, s coverthe ironing board, and painted all thetime was spent on work on a ouilt. Duegirls1 eand theels thatleadershipit has hadof Miss Mildred Trcinforchairsto theegerredecorattheandoo-thcvery successful yearNATIONAL HONOB SOCltTY -fMembership in the Nationalby the fa cult1 to a maximum offifteen per cent of the. seniorbe received by any high schoolCitizenship, Scholarship, Lcadcare Esther Payne, Jane, Kivits,Jane Cunningham, elected in 193Mayer and Ben Cox. This orgt.niGillum and has as its officers,vice-president
and Hcrminc MayspringendHonor Society is awarded in thefive per cent of the junior clo.s:class. It is the highest honor that maystudent end is awarded on a bases ofrship, and Service. The senior memberselected in 1951, and Rebekah Talbott and2a The junior members ere Her minezation is sponsored by Miss Margaret .Ben Cox, president
Beck1/ Talbott,er , sccrc terv-tr.. asurcr .
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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