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Description: THE NORMAL ADVANCE139On Saturday evening, Miss Edna Gulickentertained at her home on Ohio boulevard,with a wiener and marshmallow roast. Thehouse was beautifully decorated in the sororitycolors, lavender and white, with a huge K suspended from the arch way. A musicale program was given by Miss Su Hess and MissHazel Kiefner. The members present wereEthel Kisner, Mildred Hunley, Eileen Holler,Margaret Brubeck, Doris Drake, LorettaKelly, Margaret Ellis, , Geneva Smock, InezMcClung, Hazel Kiefner, Sue Hess, RuthBryan, Naoma Coffee, Margarite Duncan,Helen Jones, Marjory Botts,. Ethel Friz, EdnaGulick and Helen Larsen. The guests of thesorority were the Misses Inez Burk, CeliaWestbrook, Ellena Antibus, Delphine Watkins,and Vivian Benson.Tuesday was pledge day, five girls werepledged. Initiation will be held Saturdayafternoon at the home of Miss Ethel Kisner,from 3 until 6.LLAMARADAS.The Llamaradas enjoyed a delightful bobsled ride January 25. After the ride the merryparty returned to Mrs. Taylors at 414 NorthCenter street, where a luncheon was served tothe hungry bunch. Those present were: GraceGolay, Hazel Force, Evelyn Brown, GraceNantz, Irma Brown, Louise Coleman, DorothyBeck, Kathryne Nantz, Anna Yergens, DaisyPatterson, Leatha Houchin and Irene Ferguson. Messrs. Trotter, Van Cleve, Shaw,Rightsell, Hutchison, Kirtz, Carlisle, Stone,Bell, French, Swango, Brown and Pitman.Miss Lotta Day and Miss Ruth Alexanderacted as chaperones.THE OMEGA SECTION.The alumni of the Omega Section met atthe home of Miss Meta Glavecke, and organized a club for the purpose of keeping in touchwith each other arid assisting in the functionsgiven by the active members of the Section.At a second meeting at the home of Miss MaryFlaherty, the following officers were elected:Meta Glavecke, president
Ellen Davis, vice-president
Helena Freitag, secretary-treasurer.The active members of the section, togetherwith the alumni gave their annual dancingparty at the Elks hall, Saturday, February6. The St. Valentine idea was carried out inthe decorations. Strings of red hearts andcupids extended from the lights to the walls.The lights were hooded with pink and greenstrips of crepe paper. The grand march wasled by the chaperones, Professor and Mrs. U.O. Cox and Professor and Mrs. E. Bruce. Theout of town members present were, NeliaJackson of Lebanon, Hila Lewis of Brazil,Flora Pfaffenberger of Black Hawk, CarrieMack of Vincennes, Anna McMahan of Bedford, and Iva Cox.PSI THETA.This section of the Womens League heldits initiation at the home of Elma Knapp, 1210North Tenth street, at three oclock Saturday.Those initiated were: Misses Gay Tommy andRuth Staninger of Vincennes
Miss Hartley ofGreencastle, and Nellie OConnell of TerreHaute. With these four new members thissorority numbers about twenty, and they areall interested in seeing that their picture getsin the Annual on time.People have to work. It is creditable forthem to do so
their bodies and their minds arebenefitted by it, and those who can and willwork will be advanced by it.—Robert L. Lee.
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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