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Description: THE NORMAL ADVANCE89Btogenesi Cfte£tnut leakerWaiter: What will it be? Sauer kraut orpate de foie gras?Heine: Ham and eggs. Im neutral.CIRCULAR EVOLUTION.Jim—errand boy.James—office boy.BroAvn—clerk.Mr. Brown—head clerk.Brown—junior member of the firm.James—son-in-law of head of firm.Jim—head of the firm and power on thestreet.A suffragette said: I want to get marriedjust to prove that I can, and I dont want toget married just to prove that I dont have to.If I dont theyd say I cant
if I do theyll sayI have no more independence than any otherwoman.Now, my boy, youll have to start at the bottom and work up.All right, dad.The best I can do for you is to make youfourth vice president of our corporation.The Sire: So you have to take another examination. Didnt you pass?The Son: Say, I passed so well I was encored and now I have to do it all over again.TRY THIS ON YOUR DRUM.A gentleman of AlbuquerqueRaised a A^ery fine Thanksgiving terque
When they said, Does it trot?He said, Certainly not
But its walk is a little bit jerque.Knicker: What luck has Smith had since hegraduated from college?Bocker: He severed a connection, resigneda position, and got fired.You knew your lesson today, said the headof the team accusingly.Yes, Captain.Well, let it pass this time, but it looks as ifyou were neglecting your basketball.Cast your bread upon the waters,Said the boarder with a frown
Add a little salt and pepper,Call it soup, and gulp it down.TIME NO OBJECT.A northerner riding through the West Virginia mountains came up Avith a mountaineerleisurely driving a drove of pigs.Where are you driving the pigs to? askedthe rider.Out to pasture them a bit.What for?To fatten em a bit.Isnt it pretty slow work to fatten em ongrass ? Up where I come from we pen them upand feed them on corn. It saves a lot of time.Yaas, I spose so, drawled the mountaineer.But, h—, whats time to a hawg?Go ask papa, the maiden said.The young man knew that her papa was dead,He knew the life that papa had ledAnd grasped her meaning when she said,Go ask papa.Paddock in bed (to an alarm clock as it goesoff) : I fooled you that time
I wasnt asleepat all.
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

Further information on this record can be found at its source.