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46THE NORMAL ADVANCECfje Women* leagueTHE leaders of the various sections whoserve as a connecting link between thesororities and the Womens League held a busi-1 ness meeting in the Dean of Womens office andMiss Louise Gillum was chosen as president ofthe League.■ This League consists of all the Sections inschool of which nine are now active, namely:Alpha, Athleta, Kappa Kappa, Gamma Gamma, Epsilon Deltas, Llamarada, Omega, MuZeta and Psi Theta. These sections of theWoman League, commonly termed sororities,are doings things this term and all have largememberships. It is the purpose of the WomansLeague to make college life more pleasant forthe young women of the institution.. During each term two or three sections entertain all the ladies of the-school. It is hopedthat some social function of this sort may beheld before this fall term expires.spend Thanksgiving with Miss Lena Failing.Miss Ethel OHaver is visiting friends in Indianapolis.EPSILON DELTAS.The members of the Epsilon Delta were entertained by Mildred Mason at her home onEighth and Sycamore, Halloween night withan All Star Performance. Those presentwere: Anna Cox, Edna Taggart, May Wells,Edith Andrews, Hallie Farmer, Edna Bell,Gertrude Freed and Blanche Taylor.ATHLETA.The members of the Athleta sorority heldthe initiation of the new girls at the home ofMiss Katherine Arnold, Wednesday, Nov. 11.The home was attractively decorated in autumnleaves and chrysanthemums. The new members are the Misses Bulah McCullah of TerreHaute, Sofia Small of Elwood, Muriel Brownof Stylesville, Ethel Gladden of Whiting, andBlanche Dessmier of Michigan City. Theactive members present were the Misses EstherRay, Lena Failing, Mabel Jones, SarahDaniels, Helen McKeever, Esther Price, BerthaRetz, Lois Shirley, Lucile Gay and EvelynDoris. Several of the Alumni members werepresent.The Athletas are planning to entertain witha dancing party in the near future.Miss Helen Dean, of Shelbyville, Ind, willKAPPA KAPPA. ■The members of the Kappa Kappa sororityentertained with a golden-rod tea at the homeof Miss Helene Casey, 601 South Seventh. Theguests were received between 4:00 and 6:00oclock. The house was decorated in golden-rod and autumn leaves, large bouquets ofgolden rod were arranged in the reception halland dining-room. Miss Sue Hess furnishedthe music, a whistling solo was given by MissHazel Kiefner. The members were, MissesHelene Casey, Ethel Friez, Geneva Smock,Doris Drake, Margaret Ellis, Sue Hess, Gertrude Leonard, Edna Glick, Loretta Kelley,Margaret Dunkin, Helen Jones and GladysMcClung.One of the rush stunts, of the KappaKappas was a sunflower breakfast at the Y.W. C. A. Saturday Oct. 10. The dinning-roomwas beautifully decorated in lavender andwhite, the sorority colors. Streamers of lavender and white were attached to a French basketof sunflowers, which was placed in the centerof the table, and at the ends of the streamerswere hand painted place cards. White rosebuds were given as favors. A .three coursebreakfast was served, after which a theatre |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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