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24THE NORMAL ADVANCEOscar F. Koch, 14, is superintendent ofschools at Corydon, Indiana.Miss Edna Bell, 13, is teaching in the highschool at Petersburg, Indiana. She expects tobe in Terre Haute, Oct. 31 and Nov. 1.Miss Grace Taylor, 14, is teaching at Henry-etta, Oklahoma.Harvey E. Stork is attending school at Indiana University.Loraine Thompson is teaching at Armstrong,Illinois.Prof. Chas. M. Curry is attending school atChicago University and engaged in work fora publishing house.Helen Sale, 14, is teaching in the schools atBreston, Minnesota.Edith Pescheck and Helen Crosser, 14, areteaching at Universal, Indiana.E. J. Hemmer, 14, is principal of the highschool at Montpelier, Indiana.Hazel Tillman, 13, is teaching at East Chicago, Indiana.Miss Winifred Ray is teaching at Mattoon,Illinois.R. W. Hyndman, 13, is teaching in the highschool at Odon, Indiana.Miss Ethel Ray, who is teaching near Clover-land, Indiana, attended the Y. M. and Y. W.reception, October 16.W. W. Wright, who is teaching in the highschool at Coalmont, Indiana, attended the reception, October 16.Miss Kate Colvin, 14, and Miss BerthaStevenson, 14, are teaching in Indiana Harbor.The cooking school was closed Thursday andFriday, Oct. 22 and 23, for repairs.Stella Ellison, 14, and Dorothy Moran, 14,are teaching in the Bedford schools.Miss Hazel Nelson, C. C. 14, is teachingLatin in the French Lick High School.Repairs on the walls, in the Normal building,are being continued.Sarah J. King, C. C. 13, was married Oct.17, to Drenan Harvey, prosecuting attorney ofDanville, Ind.June Manor, C. C. 14, is teaching Latin inthe Glenn High School, near Terre Haute.Clara Bay is teaching near St. Marys.Miss Nellie Pritsch and Mrs. C. E. Sebbet,who have been attending Mrs. Blakers schoolat Indianapolis, are here taking the Normalcourse.Marie Reiman, who was a student here lastyear, is attending Wisconsin University.Arbor Day was celebrated Friday, Oct. 23,by planting some trees on the lawn in front ofthe Normal building.Miss Grace Reeves, a former Normal student,is attending Missouri University.Gertrude Force was married to Cecil Weathers, 14, the first part of September.Carabel Greiner and Harry Spence Dickey,were married Saturday, Oct. 17, at the home ofthe bride, 424 North Center street, in the presence of immediate relatives. The bride andgroom took a short wedding trip through theSouth. They will be at home at the residenceof the brides mother, Mrs. D. C. Greiner untilDecember, when they will go to housekeepingin Edgewood Grove.DINNER PARTY FOR MISS GREINER.The ladies of the faculty gave a dinner partyfor Miss Greiner, Oct. 13, at the home of MissIvah Rhyan. A delicious dinner was preparedand served by the Misses Lena Failing andEsther Price, graduates of the cooking department. Those present were the Misses Greiner,Schweitzer, Hill, Brown, Moran, Cora Davis,Rhyan, Keating, Marshall, Rose Cox, Bailey,and Elizabeth Crawford.THE CENTENARY EPWORTII LEAGUEENTERTAINMENT.The Centenary Epworth League reception,which took place October Twenty-third, to thestudents was a marked success. It was evidentthat those in charge had put forth special effort |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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