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THE NORMAL ADVANCE1472. Industrial education shall mean thatform of vocational education which fits for thetrades, crafts and wage-earning pursuits, including the occupation of girls and women carried on in stores, workshops, and other establishments.3. Agricultural education shall mean thatform of vocational education which fits for theoccupations connected with the tillage of thesoil, the care of domestic animals, forestry andother wage-earning or productive work on thefarm.4. Domestic science education shall meanthat form of vocational educational which fitsfor occupations connected with the household.5. Industrial, agricultural or domesticscience school or department shall mean anorganization of courses, pupils and teachers designed to give either industrial, agriculturalor domestic science education as herein defined,under a separate director or head.6. Approved industrial, agricultural ordomestic science school or department shallmean an organization under a separate director or head, of courses, pupils and teachers approved by the state board of education designedto give either industrial, agricultural or domestic science education as herein defined. i7. Evening class in an industrial, agricultural or domestic science school or departmentshall mean a class giving such training as canbe taken by persons already employed duringthe working day, and which in order to becalled vocational must in its instruction dealwith the subject matter of the day employment, and be so carried on as to relate to theday employment but evening classes in domestic science relating to the home shall be open toall women over seventeen who are employedin any capacity during the day.8. Part-time class in an industrial, agricultural or domestic science school or department, shall mean a vocational class for personsgiving a part of their working time to profitable employment and receiving in the part-timeschool or department, instruction complementary to the practical work carried on in suchemployment. To give a part of their workingtime such persons must give a part of each day,week or longer period to such part-time classduring the period in which it is in session.Sec. 2. Any school city, town or townshipmay through its board of school trustees orschool commissioners or township trustee, establish vocational schools or departments forindustrial, agricultural and domestic scienceeducation in the same manner as other schoolsand departments are established and maymaintain the same from the common schoolfunds or from a special tax levy not to exceed10 cents on each $100 of taxable property, orpartly from the common school funds andpartly from such tax. School cities, towns andtownships are authorized to maintain and carryon instruction in elementary domestic science,industrial and agricultural subjects as a partof the regular course of instruction.Sec. 3. In order that instruction in the principles and practice of the arts may go on together, vocational schools and departments forindustrial, agricultural and domestic scienceeducation may offer instruction in day, part-time and evening classes. Such instructionshall be of less than college grade and be designed to meet the vocational needs of personsover 14 years of age who are able to profit bythe instruction offered. Attendance upon suchday or part-time classes shall be restricted topersons over 14 and under 25 years of age and upon such evening classes to persons over17 years of age.Sec. 4. Two or more school cities, towns ortownships or combinations thereof, may cooperate to establish and maintain vocationalschools or departments for industrial, agricultural or domestic science education or in supervising the same, whenever the school board ortownship trustees of such school cities, townsor townships shall so determine and apportionthe cost thereof among the cities, towns andtownships co-operating. Whenever such cooperative schools or departments have been de- |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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