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Description: THE NORMAL ADVANCE145Gflfje JSormal gfotmnceDEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF THE INDIANA STATE NORMAL SCHOOLEDITORIAL. STAFF.Ralph C. Shields Editor-in-ChiefJohn M. Eddy Associate EditorZelpha Burkett Literary EditorMay Zinck Society EditorGladys Rippetoe Exchange EditorRaymond Rightsell t Athletic EditorMarjorie B. Cuppy ) _ , , ., ,„•,.._ _, ! Local and Alumni EditorsRosalie_ Mitchell SOscar Haney Senior EditorKennith Mitchell Junior EditorH. G. Lahr Sophomore EditorCarl Miller College Course EditorBUSINESS STAFF.Walter H. Carnahan Business ManagerRalph H. Smith .Advertsing ManagerOscar Haney Circulation ManagerBOARD OF CONTROL.President W. W. Parsons, Ex-Officio.Prof. Arthur Cunningham, Chairman.Prof. John B. Wisely.R. W. Hyndman, 13, Secretary. E. J. Hemmer, C. C.Amy D. Stirling, 14.Published Monthly from October to June, Inclusive.Terms : $1.00 Per YearSingle Copy 15 CentsCommencement Number 35 CentsAddress all Communications to The Normal Advance,Terre Haute, Ind.Upon change of address immediately notify The Advance.All Alumni, as well as undergraduates, are urged tohand in contributions.Entered at the Postoffice at Terre Haute, as second-classMail Matter.HOW TO KILL THE ADVANCE.Do not subscribe, borrow your classmatespaper—be a moodier. Look up the advertisersand patronize the other fellow—be a chump.Never hand in locals or other contributions, orif you are supposed to contribute hold backyour copy till the eleventh hour, and aboveall, be sure to criticise everything in the paper.Tell your neighbors you can get more newselsewhere for the money, but—if all the abovefail—try knocking. Perhaps you can incidentally succeed in proving that, you were achump to enter a school which supports sucha poor paper.—Exchange.EDITORIAL ANNOUNCEMENT.The Advance announces a change in thebusiness staff of The Advance, and an addition to the editorial staff of the Annual. Atthe regular business meeting of the Board ofControl, March 1, C. B. Fowler tendered hisresignation as circulation manager. Heavyschool work was the cause of the resignation.After several days consideration Oscar Haney,who is at present Senior editor, was elected tofill the vacancy. Ben Davis was at this timeelected to serve as Art Manager of the Annualand he will be in control of the artistic workand illustrating features of the book. He willbe assisted by the artists of the various classesand school organizations.wAS ist das? Was ist das?I. S. N. S. Das ist was!Ya!!!The sociable man is one who having nothingto do himself comes around and bothers onewho has.THE BULLETIN BOARD.This space was intended for an article dealing with the (sometimes) very artistic announcements and drawings to be found almostany time or our bulletin board, but we are toobusy to treat the subject in an artistic manner.Next month, however, we plan to have a righttruthful discussion of it, unless .
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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