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114THE NORMAL ADVANCEAVilson, 2,961 Taf t, 917 Roosevelt, 732. TheDemocratic loss from 1908 was 443 votes andthe combined loss of the Republican and Progressive votes from the Republican vote of1908 was but 77, making a total falling off ofthe vote of 520. Providing this 520 loss wasequally from the Democratic and Republicanranks, the Democratic vote should have reached3,144, and the combined vote of the othertwo parties should have totaled but 1,466. TheDemocratic vote lacked 183 votes from reaching what it should have, and the Republicansand Progressive vote overreached its mark by185. In adding these two figures they willtotal 368. So the Progressive vote drawn fromthe Democrats in Adams county will run somewhere between 183 and 368, providing an equalnumber of Republicans and Democrats failedto vote. The Democratic paper of the countyasserted that 500 voters failed to register andthus did not get to vote, and the county Republican paper says that 600 voters registeredand then failed to vote through lack of interest. This condition prevailed over nearlyall of Indiana, although a few counties wereexceptions.AArilson carried forty-eight counties, in AvhichTaft ran second and thirty-six in which Roosevelt ran second. Roosevelt carried five counties and Taft carried only three.The only county in the state that showed again for the Democratic ticket over 1908 wasAllen county. The Democrats jumped from2,145 votes in 1908 to 8,659 in the last election.The total vote showed a gain of about 3,500.Ft. AVayne, the county seat of the county, wentDemocratic by a big plurality.The counties carried by Taft w7ere Steuben,AVarren and Porter. All three counties are devoted to agricultural pursuits principally, andin the election of 1908 gave substantial pluralities to Mr. Taft. In these counties the voteshowed a great decrease as in other counties,and the Progressive ticket did not secureenough votes to destroy the Republican supremacyIn the five counties that were carried by Mr.Roosevelt, namely: Lake, Lagrange, Elkhart,Randolph and AATayne, the Democrats showeda much bigger loss than the combined vote ofProgressives and Republicans from the Democratic and Republican vote in the election of1908. Lake county w7as the only one of thefive to show any gain over her vote of 1908 andthat is doubtless due to the growth of Gar}7,Ind., but the gain is nothing compared to whatit should be, using the real growth of population in Gary as a basis. All these five countieswere in the Republican ranks in the electionof 1908 by solid majorities. The fact that theRepublicans showed a bigger loss in their votesin these five counties than the other two parties combined, is conclusively evidence that anumber of votes were drawn from the Democratic ranks, although the bigger portion camefrom the Republicans. Three of these countiesare populous ones, or contain good sized citiesand the other two are argicultural counties.Looking at the county votes that have fair-sized cities in them, it will be seen that outsideof the three carried by Roosevelt, in most of theremainder and in fact nearly all, AA7ilson wasfirst with Roosevelt second, which goes to showthat Roosevelt carried a larger vote in thecities than Mr. Taft. There are three or fourexceptions to this rule.A glance at the total vote for Indiana willshow7 that tlie registration law cut a big figurein it. According to the Terre Haute Star, thepopulation of the state had increased sufficiently to give an increase of 3.5 per cent to thetotal vote over that of four years ago. Thiswould have brought the total vote of Indianaup to 747,000, instead of 654,000, showing a lossof 93,000 in the state. According to the 3.5per cent basis, the Democrats should have received approximately 350,000 votes, but theyfell short of the mark by about 67,000 votes.The Republicans, if no Progressive party hadarisen, should have gotten about 362,000 votes,but they too fell short, showing a loss of 211,-000.The gain made by the three minor parties inthe state was around the 26,000 mark. Going |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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