
Description: 18THE NORMAL ADVANCEThe time of the hounds was thirty-nineminutes.But it takes more than than men and training to make a successful team. It takes money.The only resources of the Athletic Associationare, the small sum given by the State, the gatereceipts from the games, and the membershipfees. At this writing we have about six hundred students in the school. Of this numberninety are members of the Association. Ninetyper cent of these are men. What is the reasonwTe dont have better support ? There are sev-,eral reasons advanced. More than two-thirdsof the students are girls. There are very fewof them, but what can afford to be members ofthe Association, and would be if they knewwhat it meant. A great number of them arein college for the first time and when a solicitor asks them to join the Athletic Associationvisions of highway robbery come into theirminds. They have been cautioned about unprincipled men and women who wouldnt hesitate to take their money and swindle them outof everything they have. In the next letterhome there is an account of how some wTise citychap tried to get them to pay a dollar forsomething about basketball, they didnt knowwhat it was. But you bet they didnt get me.They finally close with a statement that conveys the fact that this girl is not going to paya dollar for basketballs for some boys to bataround over the floor. As a rule these girlsare not the ones whom the Dean calls in forhaving too many dates. You men need notsmile—this will apply to some of you as wellas the girls. Wake up, you old students. Getacquainted with your school, you new students.There is a saying that one gets no more out ofa thing than he puts into it. How can you expect to gain by athletics if you do not put anything into it. When some one asks you to jointhe Athletic Association, let him explain whatit means, and then see if you dont want tojoin. Come out and try for the teams. Nomatter if you have never played. Now is thetime. You may surprise yourself and theschool, and even if you dont make the teamyou will have the benefit of the practice andthe new acquaintances you will make.Ask any of the members of the faculty whatthey think of athletics, and whether a studentshould be a member of the Athletic Association or not. United action can do wonders.Let every one get together and make this themost successful year that Normal has everknown.Be sure your wTork is large enough to giveyou prospects, and be sure you see the prospects that it offers.—Phillips Brooks.
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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