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THE NORMAL ADVANCE383students have given ten cents a week during theentire year toward the support of the work.The association had one representative at theinternational convention at Columbus, Ohio,three at the State convention at South Bend,and the present plan is to have six men at theGeneva conference.The center of the association work is theAssociation House at 414 North Sixth street,which, besides accommodating twenty-sevengirls with rooms and sixty with board, furnishes the center for the social life of the school,through means of its large parlors. All womenstudents are welcomed to this house at all timesY. M. C. A. CABINET¥■■ -- 2:t2/M.>--,22^-2gjl/m. -22 mmmAVm, F. Kamman Jesse Wood Lee Troth Wm. O. WinklerWm. Cain, President H. H. Stodghill. Genl Secy S. C. MorrillRaleigh Schorling Harry Milholland Loris Julian Walter BrumfielY. W. C. A. and especially are young women who enter theThe Young Womens Christian Association city for the first time, urged to come here, untilof Indiana State Normal is just closing one of they are located.the most prosperous years of its work, since its The aim which the association • held beforeorganization, in 1885. it during the year was to stimulate and impress |
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Indiana State University Archives |
Further information on this record can be found at its source.