
Description: THE NORMAL ADVANCE381PHILOMA THE ANFor the third time a society has been organized in the Indiana State Normal Schoolbearing the name Philomathean. The firstexisted in the early 80s as a debating society.In the spring of 98 it was reorganized. In thewinter term of this year a literary and debatingsociety was organized and chose for its nameThe Philomathean Literary and DebatingSociety. In the two former organizations, orin the former existence of the same society,adopted and signed by Anna Piepenbrink,Elizabeth Ellis, Margaret Yunker, Mae Lamb,Beulah Reinhart, Margaret Hardie, Eunice Asbury and Pearl Crossgrave.The officers elected for the winter term wereMiss Piepenbrink, president
Miss Asbury, vicepresident
Miss Lamb, secretary
Miss Rein-hart, treasurer
Miss Crossgrave, sergeant-at-arms
Miss Hardie, historian
Miss Yunker,parliamentarian.The life and work of Robert Louis Steven-PHILOMATHEANEunice Asbury Pearl Crossgrave Blanche Hanley Margaret Hardie Ena Fletcher Rosa Chriity Estella SchockelElizabeth Ellis Margery Lcasure Alice Bullington Mrs. Amy Brumfiel Anna PiepenbrinkRegine Schultz Mae Lamb Helen Ross Laura Ellisboth men and women were members, but in thethird only Avomen are eligible.With hope of making the society more permanent its purpose was enlarged and a newconstitution adopted. The purpose of the Philomathean Literary Society as it exists now isto give its members practice in debating andthe opportunity of studying and discussingliterary men and problems.This society was organized January 16, 1909,by eight women of the school. The constitution that was presented by Mr. Lardner wasson was chosen for the terms work. Many interesting papers on some of his best knownproductions and on phases of his work werepresented. The most profitable and entertaining meeting of the term was the one at the homeof Prof. F. M. Stalker, Friday night, March12. Mrs. Stalker read a very interesting paperon the life and character of Stevenson andshowed the society many beautiful pictures ofthe writer, his friends and the places where helived.
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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