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THE NORMAL ADVANCE155of Prof, and Mrs. Lardner, Miss MartinaErickson, Prof, and Mrs. U. O. Cox, Prof, andMrs. McBeth, E. Webb, Miss Edith Bader,Miss Helen Crane H. H. Stodghill and MissMabel Lovett, Student Secretaries G. W.Rowe and Miss Etta Walter, Association Presidents. ,■■= ..Miss Iris Fish, intercollegiate chairman, hasreturned and will again resume her duties inthat department.Miss Blanche Elliot, membership chairman,was obliged to leave school on account of herhealth but it is hoped that she will be able toreturn before the close of school.SOCIETYALPHA.The Alpha initiation for the winter term washeld January 23, at the home of CarabelleGreiner in North Center Street. The housewas beautifully decorated in the Alpha colorsand in Narcissus. Delicious refreshments, inwhich the Alpha color was again effectuallyused, were served. The girls who were receivedinto the Section were Emma Learning, MarieDowns and Arpy Curry.On January 29, Blanche Elliot and AnnePrice gave an informal farewell party forMary Morris at the Association House. Theevening was spent in pulling taffy and poppingcorn. The Section presented Miss Morris withan Alpha address book and a book of stamps.The Alphas were delightfully entertainedSaturday night, February 6, at the home ofFrances Sammis, 627 Oak Street. A chafingdish luncheon was served. Miss Sammis wasassisted by Misses Learning, McBride, Fair andWeills.The Alphas are planning a theatre partyFebruary 22, to Priscilla. Mrs. Faris,. oneof the Alphas who was active last term, hasone of the leading parts.The Section regrets very much the loss oftwo of its strongest members. Miss Mary Morris of Shelbyville was called home January 30to take a position in the city school. MissMorris hopes to return for summer term. MissBlanche Elliot was compelled to leave her workfor a, few weeks on account of the failure ofher eyes.BETA.A most enjoyable meeting for the Betas washeld at the home of Miss Iva Gish, 541 NorthCenter Street, on the afternoon of Februarysixth. The time, which was devoted to themaking of pennants and hearty social intercourse, passed all too swiftly. Those presentwere the Misses Rosa Christy, Ora Holly,Lula Hufty, Bertha Wilson, Nellie Wolfe andMargaret Yunker.CANDIDA.The Candida girls initiated the Misses Miller, Cochran, Kenton and Morse, Saturdayevening, January 16, with Misses Price andBogemann as hostesses. After the new membershad performed the Various stunts which alwaysaccompany an initiation, a very delightful two-course luncheon was served. On the followingafternoon Miss Hazel Warrick, a former leader,entertained the Section at her home, 1801 Wabash Avenue. Refreshments, consisting ofcocoa, wafers and fruit, were served and allpresent had a very enjoyable time. The out-of-town guest was Miss Florence Hixon, a former Candida. Those present were the MissesLowe, Miller, Cochran, Morse, Standiford,Applegate, Bogemann, Groff, Price, Wood,Sleeth and Whitcraft.GAMMA GAMMA.The Gamma Gamma Sorority held its regular meeting Saturday, January 23, at the |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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