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120THE NORMAL ADVANCEJanuary 8, proved quite a success. The Association is planning several other social affairsfor the term which it hopes to make a sourceof pleasant entertainment for the student body.The Tuesday evening meeting was well attended and new members were added - to theAssociation. Regular meetings will be heldon Tuesday evenings at 6:15 and also on Sundays at 3 :30 p. m., to all of which the girls ofthe school are invited.By the faithful work of the devotional committee the following program has been arranged for the term:Meetings at 3 :30 p. m.Jan. 10. Bible Study.. Dr. Coulter, PurdueJan. 17. The Power of a Purpose...... Rev. HixonJan. 24. Qualities Most Admired inStudents Miss SwihartJan. 31. The Gift of a Day Miss BaderFeb. 7. Miss Cutler, National BibleStudy Secretary of Y. W. C. A.Meetings at 8:30 p. m.Jan. 12. Our Goal for 1909.. .Miss LovettJan. 19. Hymns That Have Helped... Miss ParsonsJan. 26. Mountain Tops Miss JacquesFeb. 9. Miss Melcher, State Secretaryof Y. W. C. A.Feb. 16. Our Prayer Life Miss JulienFeb. 23. Promises .Miss FletcherMarch 2. Here Am I, Send Some OneElse Miss WalterMarch 9. Women of Power . .Miss RinehartMarch 16. The Value of a Sense of Failure Miss McDonaldThe cabinet of the Y. W. C. A. consists of thefollowing officers and committee chairmen:President, Miss Etta Walter Vice President,Miss Blanche Elliott Secretary, Miss IvaFeree Treasurer, Miss Clara McDonald BibleStudy, Miss Maude Julien Mission Study,(Home), Miss Phebe Garman (Foreign), MissBelle Smith Membership, Miss Blanche Elliot Relgious Meeting, Miss Gertrude Cope Social,Miss Eva Davis Finance, Miss Mary New-house.But one change was made in the cabinetofficers. Miss Eva Davis will fill the place ofMiss Edith Rhoades, who will not be in school,as social chairman. Miss Iris Fish, Inter-Collegiate Chairman, will not be in school until themiddle of the term.The Sunday School at the Social Settlementis progressing nicely. Miss Fern Densford,Miss Susie Jacques, Miss Dela Manion andMiss Clara McDonald will assist Miss PhebeGarman and Miss Minnie Hoberg, who havecharge of the work. Classes in sewing will beopened which offer an opportunity for somepractical service for girls who wish to give theirassistance.SOCIETYALPHA.On the first Monday evening of the new termthe Alphas enjoyed a spread consisting ofhome-made dainties, at the home of Halcie Fairin North Sixth Street. While feasting, planswere made for the winter term. ■Thursday, January 7, the girls had a pleasant evening with Ethel Scudder in CollegeAvenue. The delicious lunch was prepared onchafing dishes by the hostesses: Ethel Scudder, Ruby Weills, Frances Sammis, HelenWright, and Anne Price. Misses Emma Learning, Arpa Curry, and Marie Downs wereguests. •Tuesday evening, January 14, a bob-sledparty was given in honor of The Snow. Theguests were Misses Hamilton, Lanning, Swihart, Brown, Reagan, Cox, White, and Lovett.After a jolly ride over the city, all repaired tothe home of Miss Rose Cox. Early in the evening Miss Cox, assisted by Miss White served afine luncheon of sandwiches, coffee, and doughnuts.Misses Marian Sammis, Sarah Swihart, |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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