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Description: 86THE NORMAL ADVANCE.and three new chairs. Four new settees, a Wernicke bookcase, and a good large clock have beensecured. The facilities for lighting the roomhave been improved by the purchase of a largehanging lamp for the center of the room, thesupplying of necessary chimneys and a smoke bellfor each lamp.About sixty books suited to the needs of theschool have been added to the library.So far, only such slight additions as boxes ofIn addition to this the entire premises have beenplaced under the charge of a capable janitor, who,living in the immediate neighborhood, gives allnecessary attention to the heating, cleanliness ofthe room, and the orderly keeping of the yard.The students who take observation and practiceduring a given term in the rural training schoolmake a careful study during the same term of therural school problem as it has been presented anddiscussed at the various state and national eduea-cubes and peg boards and pegs have been made tothe apparatus.The walls have been provided with a picturerailing, and the whole appearance of the room hasbeen much improved by the following pictures ofgood quality, suitably framed and appropriatelyarranged: A small picture of a lions head, asmall picture of an elk, two copies, of Baby Stewart, a large picture of Whittier, a small copy ofthe Madonna, and The Transfiguration, byRaphael.tional associations, and in the various reports ofthe state superintendents of Indiana. They also,during the same term, visit the other countryschools of the township and county, making astudy of their programme, course of study, equipment in the way of library, furniture, apparatus,etc.
the conditions of the house, yard, coal house,outbuildings, etc. They also during the same termhave a period for observation in the regular training school situated in the Normal School building.By comparing and contrasting the work of the
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

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