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80THE NORMAL ADVANCE.of his muscles are not used enough. The point iswell taken that the farmer boy, although he hasmuch work to do, needs physical training for thosemuscles which he does not use much through thedays work. It is the whole body, not only a partof it, that must be harmoniously developed.The students of the Medical College of Indianapublished their first number of The MedicalStudent/ in November, 1902, and we are glad toadd it to our list of exchanges. The writer ofNot Less a Doctor but More a Man brings outan important point in regard to the danger of amedical students viewing his life work in a narrow light,—The discharge of the common dutiesof man to man are just as incumbent on the physician as any other member of the community.The Tyro is a good High school paper published by the students of the San Bernadino HighSchool of California. However, it seems that itscriticisms of other papers should be somethingdefinite with a suggestion for improvement instead of a comparison with the value of anotherpaper.We are always glad to receive The NormalEyte from Cedar Falls, Iowa, its editorials arealways very good.The self-made man was speaking. He said:My father was a raiser of hogs. There was alarge family of us—and then his voice wasdrowned out by applause.—Ex.In my life I have been a carpenter, a barber,and a school teacher. I can shingle your house,your hair or your boy.—Creighton Bulletin.What style of hats do you want. Oh something to suit my head, dont youknow.Well, just take one of our soft hats.—IndianaMedical College.Shallow—Why, just read that sign—DentalParlors. Isjit it absurd to call a dental room aparlor ?Deepen—It is probably the painters mistake.He meant drawing roorn.—Boston Courier.Why are teeth like verbs? Because they areregular, irregular, and defective.Invest more in smiles and less in frowns andyoull get a larger dividend.Schoolmistress—Edward, give me the definition of excavate. Edward—Excavate, to hollow out. Schoolmistress—Give me a sentencecontaining the word. Edward—I hit Bill, andhe excavated.Mamma—Bessie, why dont you wash thedishes ? It is easier to do a thing than to sit andthink about it. Bessie—Well, mamma, youwash the dishes and Ill sit and think about it.Politician—Congratulations, Sarah, Ive beennominated. Sarah (with delight)—Honestly?Politician—What difference does that make?—Detroit Free Press.Landlord—I would like to have the rent paid,sir. Impecunious Tenant—Thats my fix exactly.TOO THIN.Young Lady—Did you make an excuse for me,Mary, when Mr. Jones called?Hired Girl—I did, miss.What did you say-I said you were in bed with a toothache.Mercy! And he knows every tooth in myhead is false.FIGURATIVE ASTRONOMY.Astronomy is 1 derfulAnd interesting 2 The ear 3 volves around the sunWhich makes a. year 4 you.The moon is dead and calm,By laws of phys-6 great Its 7 where the stars aliveTho nightly scihtil-8.If watchful providence be 9With good in-10-tions fraught,Did not keep up its grand designWe soon would come to 0.Estronomy is 1-derful.Parker Purple.Some folks wont mind their businessThe reason is, youll find,They either have no business,Or else they have no mind. —Ex. |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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