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BENJAMIN HODOERS,DEALER INMarble and Granite MonumentsTablets, Tombs, Statuary, arm all kinds of Cemetery Work.114 N. sth St., Terre Haute, Ind.J. C. RUTHERFORDCOMHERCIAL PRINTING,665 Main Street,New Phone 948.Bindley Block.J. R. DUNCAN & CO.,660=662 Wabash Avenue.A Complete Stock of Normal Text-BooksON HANDS AT ALL TIMES.FINE STATIONERY,TABLETS, NOTE BOOKS,BLANK BOOKS and allSCHOOL SUPPLIES.Agents for . . .WATERMANS IDEAL FOUNTIAN PEN.Special Orders for Books given prompt attention.LIf You Want Something New and Up-to-DateIN THE WAT OF AFall Suit and OvercoatCome to us and we will convince you that our Clothing isright and our prices reasonable.LOUIS TUEMLER,PEOPKIETOE OPBaths 25 Cents Each or 5 for $1.00.First-Class Work and Courteous Treatment.Cor. Fifth and Cherry Sts.SfllTH & DILLON^—TAILORSCLEANINGREPAIRINGPRESSINGDYEINGON SHORTNOTICE13 North Sixth Street.SpecialPricesTo NormalStudentsSuits andOvercoats from....$5 to $20Everything new in Hats, Caps and Furnishing Goods.We sell Mens Shoes.Sole agents for the Celebrated Walk-OverShoes, $3.50 and $4.00.SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.Spauldings OfficialFoot Ball Suppliesare used by all colleges and athleticclubs, because they stand the test.Spauldings Official IntercollegiateFoot Ball is used in all championshipgames. Price $4.00.Spauldings New Attachment for FootBall Tackling Machine was inventedby Mr. John McMasters, trainer ofthe Harvard team. It is the bestappliance of its kind ever invented.Price $15 00.Spauldings Official Foot BallGuide for 1902. Price in cents.Spauldings Fall and Winter SportsCatalogue mailed free.A. Q SPAULDINQ & BROS.NEW VOEK. CHICAGO. DENVER.BALTIMORE. BUFFALO.■Have you got tospeak a piece?TUNE BROS.Ladhent?sihn#rsHatters N. E. Cor. 5th and Main.Well, we dont know of any kind of effort, fromI the schoolboys recitation or the schoolgirls reading, and along through the whole school and collegecareer, down to the response to toasts at the last| class dinner, that is not provided for among :—■ Commencement Parts, including -efforts for allothe- occasions. $1.50.Pros and Cons. Both sides of live questions. $1.50.| Playable Plays. For school and parlor. $1.50.College Mens Three-Minute Declamations. $1.00.i College Maids Three-Minute Readings. $1.00.1 Pieces for Prize-Speaking Contests. $1.00.. Acme Declamation Book. Paper, 30c. Cloth, 50c.1 Handy Pieces to Speak. 108 on separate cards. 50c.■ LiBt of Contents of any or all of ahove free on re-■ quest if you mention this ad.I HINDS & H0BLE, Publishers■ 4-5-13-14 Cooper Institute B. T. CitySchoolhooks of all publishers at one store.!■■■■«■■■■«■■ |
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Indiana State University Archives |
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