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Description: 186THE NORMAL ADVANCESeidel. We were strengthened by the return
of two former members, Misses Helen Dykes
and Flora Paffenburger.The Sorority began its spring social functions
with a rush party Friday, April 1, at the
home of Miss Ada Dennelsbeck, 2028 North
Thirteenth street. The evening was spent in
music and dancing. Several vocal selections and
readings given by Miss Lillian MacNealy fur¬
nished amusement for the guests. Later, a
luncheon was served, the hostess being assisted
by Misses Ina Stitts and Gwendolyn Volkers.The sorority members and guests were
Misses Mary Richard, Rachael Schaffer, Hila
Lewis, Lillian MacNealy, Margaret Kilroy,
Katherine Flaherty, Mona Halloran, Frieda
Glaevecke, Helen Jones, Clara Shanks, Daphne
Brock, Helen Dykes, Mabel Seidel, Nellie Root,
Ivah Cox, Flora Paffenburger, Edna Lloyd,
Mary Flaherty, Ellen Davis, Elizabeth Freud-
enreich, Emma Dommershausen, Helena Frei¬
tag, Gertrude Hinton, Meta Glaevecke, Ruth
Abling, Ina Stitts, Mildred Flaherty, Gwen¬
dolyn Volkers and Ada Dennelsbeck.The Omega girls were entertained Saturday,
April 4, by Miss Edna Lloyd with a theaterparty at the Grand, followed by luncheon at
the Herz tea room, at which time Miss Lloyd
announced her marriage to Thomas Concan-
non of St. Marys. The table was decorated
in ferns, and Easter rabbits. Pink roses were
given as favors. Covers were laid for twenty-
five Omegas and their guests, Misses Esther
Toelle, Ivah Cox, Helen Jones and Daphne
Brock.Miss Dorothy Rummel entertained the Psi
Theta section Saturday afternoon, April 4, at
her home, 247 South Ninth street, with a win¬
ter picnic. The afternoon was given over to
games, contests, etc., and at 4:30 the guests
were invited into the dining-room, where a de¬
licious picnic supper was served to fourteen
guests.Those present were the Misses Ella Ingler,
Hilda Zell, Elsie Veit, Esther Morris, Ruth
Hughes, Grace Pickett, Blanche Johnson,
Helen Pfeifer, Rose Woody, Margaret Hall,
Ruby St. John, Louise McDonald, Edith
Rhiner and Dorothy Rummel.How slow the time.
To the warm soul, that, in the very instant
It forms, would execute a great design.—Thomson.
Collection: Indiana State University Archives

Further information on this record can be found at its source.