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THE NORMAL ADVANCE157former members. The hall was converted into
a Japanese garden by flowers, ribbons of
Japanese paper and ropes from which count¬
less colored butterflies fluttered. These ropes
were festooned from the Japanese lights to the
sides of the hall. Pink, white and yellow
chrysanthemums were artistically arranged to
form a background for the dancers.One special feature of the decorations was a
large Welcome Omegas banner in pink and
green, placed on the wall opposite the entrance.A program of twenty dances was enjoyed,
the music being furnished by the Brewer-Miller
orchestra. The grand march was led by Miss
Meta Glaevecke with Frank Braemerkamp fol¬
lowed by Miss Mary Richard and William
Burke. During the grand march the guests
were presented with corsage bonquets and
boutonnieres of pink roses by little Misses Helen
Duffy and Lillian Cotton, who wore dainty
pink dresses.A number of favor dances were a feature of
the program. During the Omega Waltz the
members sang their sorority song. In another
dance the plan of selecting partners was a
unique one. Each girl forfeited a ring which
was attached to pink and green ribbon. These
were placed in a small Japanese basket sus¬
pended from the ceiling. The young men drew
ribbons and found their partners by finding
\ the owners of the rings.\ During the evening punch was served by
Helen Duffy and Lillian Cotton, in a little
garden made by a lattice fence entwined with
cherry blossoms and overhung with a large
Japanese umbrella. From the umbrella hung
blossoms and foliage, which was dimly lighted
with tiny pink and green lights.The chaperones were Miss Edith Bailey and
Dr. Shockell.The sorority members present were the Misses
Meta Glaevecke, Hila Lewis, Mary Richard,
Mona Halloran, Ellen Davis, Rachel Schaffer,
Mildred Higman of Dunkirk, Margaret Kilroy,Hazel Davis, Ruth Abling, Elizabeth Freuden-
reich, Helena Freitag, Elsie Higi, Ruth
Kruzan of Brazil, Clara Shanks, Ruth Meeks
of Anderson, Frieda Glaevecke, Nellie Root,
Mildred Flaherty, Lena Hanley of Elwood,
Gertrude Hinton, Anne McMahan of Bedford,
Katherine Flaherty, Aldine Richard, Lillian
MacNealy, Mabel Seidel, Marguerite and Pearl
Samuels of Salina, Kansas, Mary Flaherty, and
Mrs. N. G. Wann.Their guests were Messrs. Frank Braemer¬
kamp, Henry Schmidt, William Burke, Mal¬
colm Campbell, John Halloran, Keith Offutt,
Charles Geisman, Glen Davis, Robert Ander¬
son, Clifford Shanks, Maurice Rausch, George
Brown, Raymond Amnion, Andrew Merker,
Robert Daggett, Rollo Dobbs, Arthur Wor-
man, Edward Richard, William Grose, Caspar
Crim, Thomas Mahan, Charles Worman, Owen
Flaherty, Charles Burton, Clifford Blackman,
Harold Swannagan, Charles Wagner, Paul
Samuels, George Hahn and N. G. Wann.The Mu Zeta Sorority was entertained by
the Misses Hartmann, Campbell and De-
Frees with a delightful party at the Y. W. C.
A. Saturday afternoon, March 7th. Each girl
made either a pennant or blanket with the
words Mu Zeta in white on a carnation pink
background.At three oclock a three course luncheon was
served at Valentines. Those present were the
Misses Costelow, Provines, White, Arbogast,
Newton, Allen, St. Clair, Mygrant, Bodenhafer,
Rippetoe, Winniger, Smith, Harstmann, Camp¬
bell and DeFrees.Saturday evening, March 7, 1914, the
Llamarada sorority entertained by giving a
theater party at the Grand, followed by a
banquet at the Elks Hall.The dining room was artistically decorated
in green and white, the sorority colors.
Llamarada banners and large masses of pink
carnations completed the arrangement. The |
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Collection: |
Indiana State University Archives |
Further information on this record can be found at its source.