Sermon, A Glorious Church

Description: A sermon entitled A Glorious Church. An appreciation for the Council of Churches of St. Joseph County for work providing food, clothes and medicine for the people of Japan and Europe in the aftermath of World War II. The Council of Churches of St. Joseph County, and as part of the National Council of Churches of Christ in America, and the World Council of Churches are justly proud of our unity which every day becomes stronger as we find strength in our differences. Includes hymn suggestions and bible verse references.
Origin: ca. late 1940s
Collection: Civil Rights and African American History
Copyright: Digital reproductions of archival materials from the Indiana University South Bend Archives are made available for noncommercial educational and research purposes only. The Indiana University South Bend Archives respects the intellectual property rights of others and does not claim any copyright interest for non-university records or materials for which we do not hold a Deed of Gift. It is the researcher’s responsibility to seek permission from the copyright owner and any other rights holders for any reuse of these images that extends beyond fair use or other statutory exemptions. Furthermore, responsibility for the determination of the copyright status and securing permission rests with those persons wishing to reuse the materials. If you are the copyright holder for any of the digitized materials and have questions about its inclusion on our site, please contact the Indiana University South Bend Archivist.
Subjects: African Americans--Indiana--South Bend
Clubs--Indiana--South Bend

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