Collection Order

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Photo album cover of images from Fishers, Indiana, 1909

Description: Cover of album reads Miss Frances Trittipo, Fishers Switch, Indiana, 09. Fishers Switch was later known as Fishers. This amateur snapshot album is comprised of images ia-0001-c006-0001 through ia-0001-c006-0021.This album was purchase in an antique shop. Frances J. Trittipo (1888-1981) was the daughter of Albert W. Trittipo, a hardware merchant in Fishers in the 1910 census, and Margaret C. Ringer. In 1914 she married Guy Wood Furbay.
Origin: 1909
Collection: Indiana Album
Geography: Fishers, Hamilton County, Indiana, United States
Subjects: Frances Trittipo Snapshot Album
Album covers
Photograph albums
Fishers (Ind.)
Hamilton County (Ind.)

Further information on this record can be found at its source.