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Portrait of female physician Dr. Anna M. L. Potts, Hudson, Michigan, circa 1865

Description: Anna Mary (Longshore) Potts, M.D. (1829-1912), noted Quaker physician, was from Bucks County, Pennsylvania and graduated from the Womans Medical College of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1852. She married merchant Lambert Potts in 1857 in Langhorne, Pennsylvania. A few years later, they moved to Adrian, Michigan where she worked as a doctor. Adrian is located 16 miles from Hudson. Online searches show that she was a suffragist in Michigan, a Spiritualist, and also wrote about phrenology.Her outfit is a prime example of a dress worn over pants with no restrictive corset or crenolines. Taken during the dress reform era of the 1850s and 1860s popularized by Amelia Bloomer. Because of Amelia, womens pants were often referred to as bloomers. Mrs. N. L. Rowley, the photographer, was in business in Hudson in about 1865 based on other known cartes de visite with tax stamps, directories, and internal revenue assessment lists.
Origin: 1865, circa
Created By: Rowley, Mrs. N. L., Hudson, Michigan
Collection: Indiana Album
Geography: Hudson, Lenawee County, Michigan, United States
Subjects: Joan Hostetler Collection
Womens suffrage
Women--Employment--United States
Clothing & dress

Further information on this record can be found at its source.