Collection Order

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Evansville large letter postcard, Evansville, Indiana, circa 1967

Description: Titled Greetings from Evansville Indiana. Postmarked August 23, 1967. The back details the sites throughout Evansville shown on the front: Scenic view of the Ohio River, Reitz Memorial High School, Vanderburgh County Courthouse, Administration building of Evansville College, Evansville National Guard Armory, Dade Park Race Track, Electric fountain in Garvin Park, Greyhound bus station, the lion den at the Mesker Park Zoo, and Dress Plaza.
Origin: 1967, circa
Collection: Indiana Album
Geography: Evansville, Vanderburgh County, Indiana, United States
Subjects: Erin and Philip Baker / Aikins and Rolf Families Collection
Large letter postcards
Evansville (Ind.)
Vanderburgh County (Ind.)

Further information on this record can be found at its source.