University High School, Jordannus,1952, Page 63

Description: First row: Barbara Fierst, Norma Honeycutt.Second row: Beatrice Walker, CarolineDeckard.Third row: Dorothy White, Luella Penrose, Phyllis Prince, Mr. Sembower.First row: W. R. Dunn, John Runden,Bill Ream, Fred Andrews, Carol Cason,Nancy Reeves, Diane Cason.Second row: Jay Ellis, Wigs Wilson,John McFall, Donna Baird, Nancy Hilliker,Barbara Alm, Judy Krentler.Third row: Greg Devejian, Frank Edmondson, Art Fell, Dave Griffith, FrankPruett, Mary Bouvier, Miss Spear.Fourth row: Tim Wininger, Bill Andrews, Phil Hodge, Ronald Mills, FritzKrueger.iBe:A,i■’X.1Members of the Reading Club are given the opportunity topreview new books bought by the library. Panels were alsoformed to discuss the merits and defects of the new books. Theclub started a scrapbook of all school activities appearing inlocal newspapers.Reading ClubMembers of the Games Club are mainly interested in enjoying the sociability of friends and providing artivities for theirleisure time. Bridge, canasta, chess, and many other card gamesare played. Miss Josephine Spear is the sponsor.Games ClubPage sixty-three
Collection: University High School

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