University High School, Jordannus,1951, Page 47

Description: TRESERVE FOOTBALLFirst Roiv: George Spangler, Jerry Isom, Don Gunnerson, Jerry Van Dyke, Walter South, Bob Stone, Deane Kingsbury, W. R. Dunn,Larry Isom, Tommy McCammon, Robert Baker.Second Row: Frank Pruett, David Sonneborn, Charles Gaston, Jay Ellis, John Krentler, Don Brown, Fred Andrews, Don Donhan,John Smith, Dave Hankins, Jack Stangle, Jim Stigall, Dick Anderson, Dick Binford.Third Row: Larry Dollens, Rolf Turley, Dave McCracken, Greg Devejian, Arvin Allen, Ralph Nelson, Phil Hodge, Coach WalterGray, Eddie Hudelson, Fritz Krueger, Larry Ruddick, Kenny Robinson, Bill Seagers, Bill Jones, Meatball” Hughes, student manager.Although weakened by heavy graduationlosses and handicapped by a lack of size andexperience, University School’s grid squad compiled a 4-5 record this year, its fourth seasonof interscholastic competition. The record isdeceiving in that it was recorded against schoolswith larger enrollments than U. H. S.Coach Walter Gray found himself with onlya handful of lettermen when the season’s drillsbegan in mid-August. He also found whateasily could be called the smallest team in thehistory of the grid sport here. As things turnedout, the Univee footballers were outweighed bytheir opponents in eight of nine starts.Dugger’s strong offense and the bulky linethrew the Univee footballers off balance in theseason opener, the Graymen losing, 31-6. TheUnivees took an abbreviated 6-0 lead on thefirst play when Bill Mengo scooped up a fumbleand ran into the end zone. University atonedfor its opening loss by clipping Greencastle, 26-12, led by the running of junior fullback, BillAndrews.Again upon the weight disadvantage, theUnivees dropped their next game to Linton,43-6. The U. H. S. gridders upset highly-regarded Mitchell, 6-2, in their next outing. Mengo converting from tackle to fullback, dashedoff tackle for the only touchdown of the contest. The Univees scored the first two timesthey got the ball at Bedford, holding a 12-0lead at the end of three minutes. The Stonecutters, however, rallied in the second half towin, 19-12.Although outweighed considerably, the Graymen downed Jasonville, 17-6, on Dad’s Night.It was University’s second win in as many yearsat the expense of Jasonville. The Univees facedMartinsville next and were upset, 21-12. AnArtesian score on the first play and another ona sleeper” a few moments later were the deciding margin. North Vernon, one of the toughest teams in Southern Indiana handed University a 39-6 loss.Even rain and mud could not check theUnivees in the season finale. They tripped upMooresville, 2 8-6, in surprisingly easy fashion.Andrews, star of the first game, also was outstanding in the last. He accounted for twoscores by fielding fumbles and galloping overthe goal line.Senior tackle, Stuart Emry, a tremendous defensive performer and a bruising blocker, waselected captain of the team by his teammates.Page forty-seven
Collection: University High School

Further information on this record can be found at its source.