University High School, Jordannus, 1939, Page 42

Description: INTRAMURALSSENIOR HIGH SOFTBALLCHAMPSHome room 306 and 201combined to win the softballchampionship in the seniorhigh division. Seventy-twopercent of the boys in thesetwo home rooms participatedin the six games played.Row I (left to right) : GlendonPatterson, Joe Brummet, Bob May,Rupert Wininger, Jack Melton.Row II: John Murray, MarionStout, Sam Thompson, Ralph Prickett, Paul Visher, Bill Stigall, BobWyatt.JUNIOR HIGH SOFTBALLCHAMPSThe lucky combination ofroom 320 and 313 won thejunior high softball tournament. Russell Livingstonand Jack Hartgraves weretwo of the outstanding players.Row I (left to right) : BriceBaker, Robert Hacker, Jack Hartgraves, Preston Lewis, Russell Livingston, Jack Welpott.Row II: Robert Kinser, JuniorHines, Gordon Pearson, Jerry Hun-sucker, Fred Graf, Harold Hacker,Junior Foster.Page forty-twoV.I tV■k A- *rLII VL-F1wlIt’ .
Collection: University High School

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