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University High School, Jordannus,1964, Page 5

Description: Construction, Completion.Whether first or last, in fifty years the classwould be dated! Everyone had his own opinion ofwhat it was going to be like: some were skepticalwhile others still were bounding with joy. In anycase, speculation filled the air.But the excitement stirred up that winter of 1961was nothing compared to what the student bodyexperienced in October of 1962 when the groundbreaking ceremonies occurred. From then on, students and teachers alike were in a frenzy. Mr. Graywanted a bigger gym, Mr. Roberts wanted a musicstudio.Wait! Here’s one more! Eric Applegate aids in the move tothe new U-school.Easy does it! Walls appear on the Senior High building asconstruction proceeds by leaps.Anything for good old Li school! Patriotism prevails duringthe move as students give their all.Mr. Waistrum wanted a bigger stage, and justabout everyone wanted something or other. Weall may have complained in some way, but whenwe saw our new school, we knew that all of this hadnot been in vain.The furniture’s net in but it has to be cleaned! That’s life!5
Collection: University High School

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