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University High School, Jordannus, 1939, Page 18

Description: TEACHER TRAINING IN THEUNIVERSITY SCHOOLThe opening of the University School brings to a reality the longdesired “Campus School” as a means of expanding and improving thetraining of teachers. Here prospective teachers may see real school activities from kindergarten to twelfth grade, activities which are supervised by a staff of expert teachers. All teachers in training have theopportunity for observation, and many are also privileged to share thework of a grade or a class for a semester or more. In this way, asassistants to the regular teachers, they receive valuable experience as thefinal part of their preparation for work in future years in the schoolsof Indiana and other states.There is a two-fold advantage to this teacher-training program. Aswell as giving the university student valuable experience in a wide varietyof school responsibilities, the cooperation of student teachers providesa more extensive program for University School pupils. More intramuralgames can be played, more plays produced, more hikes enjoyed, and moredebates judged—more activities than the critic teachers would otherwisebe able to direct. Student assistance is also appreciated by those who areinterested in scouting, music, and yearbook publication. In fact, thewhole school program is expanded and enriched by the pupils’ daily contact with a greater number of personalities.Many pupils have become real friends of their student teachers during the year and will enjoy another look at a few of those familiar facesin the group below.« . 1 —... ejL\
Collection: University High School

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