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Unionville High School, The Graphic, 1941, Page 59

Description: COMMERCIAL EDUCATION AND ITS’ ROLE IN OUR SCHOOLAn educated person is that individual who can successfully adapt himself to the world in which he lives. Thisincludes not only ’’The making of a Living” but also ’’Living.”Too often, I think, we over-emphasize the teaching of how toearn money. True, we must learn a trade or profession, butif we do not know how to work with other people we will notbe entirely successful.Commercial subjects can be justified from both of theseangles. As a vocation, commercial subjects offer many possibilities. In High bchool we offer the subjects which giveto the student fundamental skills necessary for a stenographic or general office position. Along with skill aredeveloped the traits of accuracy, neatness, promptness, andmany others which determine, to a great extent, the successor failure of an individual.For those who take advanced training in some College orUniversity there are innumerable positions. A few are Certified Public Accountant, Court Reporter, Executive, Municipal Accountant, etc.A commerce .major in a High School can begin in businesswith these minimum requirements and succeed provided he orshe is ambitious.But what of those who do not intend to go into the office? Commerce has a personal use Value today which it hasnot had before. Almost every one is required to keep a record of income so that he may turn in a report of income.Thon there are his records of Budget and expenses in orderto control the use of his income. All of us, regardless of\ het we do, write letters either business or personal. Thetypewriter is the most convenient way of writing them.The Commercial field is over-crowded. As a result somestudents become discouraged when they do not have a positionhanded to them upon graduation. The more a person loafs inschool the harder ho will have to work after he gets out ofschool--provided he gets a position at all.If you want the better position after graduation, workhard in school and prepare yourself for the competition youwill meet in the commercial world.
Collection: Unionville High School

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