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Stinesville High School, Quarrian, 1953, Page 43

Description: For our next game we met the Cole City Colts on the S. H. S. floor.We rallied over with another victory. The final score was 58 to 46.The big day finally arrived at Stinesville High. On the 21st of Januarywe met the Unionville Arrows in the opening game of the Wabash Valley.Our powerful Lads put out everything they had, but Old Lady Luck wasnt withus that night. When the horn blew, the Arrows had just gotten over the victoryline, with a small margin of one point with the score 55 to 56. We fans atS. H. S. want to say Congratulations to our boys and Mr. Riddle for thefine job they have done all season.On February 10, 1953 we traveled down Cole City way to visit the Colts.This was the second time this season for us to meet. We brought home anothervictory, to make our record look real good. The score was 84-39.The Quincy Aces came to visit our Lads on February 13th for the firsttime this year. It was push over for our Quarry Lads. When the gun sounded wewere happy to find the Lads far in front, with a very high score of 95 to 42.We were very busy that week. The next night, February 14, 1953 we playedhost to the Smithville Skibos. We were anxious to meet the Wabash Chaps. Wedowned them with the Lads holding on to Miss Victory with the score of 67 to 41Our second team came through with a good record also. We are mightyproud of them Nice going Seconds. They have 15 wins and 2 losses.- Well beseeing a lot of their good work next year. Good Luck BoysMThe Junior High team at S. H. S. have really brought home a lot ofvictories all this season. We are sure looking forward to their games in thefuture years. Everyone at Stinesville High says Congratulations to the JuniorHigh boys.SoftballThe Stinesville Quarry Lads journeyed to Ellettsville to start the 1952- 53tourney with a bang.We tied into the Unionville Arrows on September 19 and came through witha 9 to 4 victory.After the exciting starter, we met our old rivals the Golden Eagles who hadjust defeated the Smithville Skibos.We clipped the wings of the Eagles with a 6 to 10 victory. Landing the enviedtrophv for the County Tournament.At Spencer, we met our first defeat against the Morgantown Trojans, withonly a slight difference of two points, making the score 11 to 13.At the conclusion of a successful session, we turned in anticipation towardthe oncoming basketball season.45
Collection: Stinesville High School

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