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BETASSERVE THESCHOOL■T1:■VCHARTER MEMBERSThe Smithville High School Beta Club was installed during the school year 1952 - 53 with 16 members.At an impressive service before the high school student body, the 11 charter members who came backto school this fall, inducted 16 new members into their chapter. Early in the year, the club was inspiredand honored by a visit from National Beta Club Field Secretary, Dr. Boylston Green.During an active year, the Beta Club took part in such projects as selling hot dogs at one ball game,selling general school supplies and “schedule” pencils at the noon hour, and giving a minstrel show incooperation with the music department. Profits from these projects are to be used to buy a completenew band uniform.On the lighter side, the Betas were entertained by the Oolitic Betas at Oolitic High School, and theyhave enjoyed a weiner roast at Friendly Inn, McCormick’s Creek State Park. Other social events areplanned for this year also.The Beta Club is in competition with no educational system or organization; its purposes are: toassist teachers and students to consummate the end and aim of all true education--which is mentalenlargment and character development; and to encourage and reward crediable achievement.FRONT ROW: Loettea Humphrey, Fred Wells, Jackie Dickens. SEATED: Ruth Bostic, SueBrown,Rhea Eads, Norma Deckard, Georgia Brown, Pat Eads, Wanda Cain, Morris Garsnett, Joyce Cain, SharonCrum. STANDING: Mrs. Wisley, Sponsor, James Southern, Carol Gazee, Lawerance Hazel, Vera Black-well, Martha Robertson, Larry Smith, Mona White, David Clements, Linda Jo Bender, Wallace Miller,Fay Callahan, Glenda Wisley.- * ■KSW**•*?.# •I ’ |
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Smithville High School |
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