Harmony School, 2000, Page 203

Description: the joyful peal of church bells muffling that awful roar, and mostly about the triumph ofhope and an unswerving faith that somehow and sometime, by heavens, everything wasgoing to be alright for the long-suffering masses.If ever a massive infusion of EGTOBA to save the civilized world wasdesperately needed, it was during those dark days following the evacuation of the Britisharmy at Dunkirk. The lyrics are so full of we-shall-prevail-against-all-odds hope andoptimism that I wonder if they were ghost-written by Winston Churchill. I’m referring,of course, to “There’ll be bluebirds over the white cliffs of Dover, tomorrow, just youwait and see. There’ll be love and laughter, and peace ever after, tomorrow when theworld is free”. Universal peace ever after may be unattainable down there in yourfestering global village, but as long as the search for peace guides the planet, well, I thinkeverything’s going to be alright.Forgive me for rambling. When all one has to do is roll around heaven all day,brevity is not one’s top priority. As I recall, one of the catch-phrases you use to hype theOliver Winery 10K is, “As close to heaven as some of us will ever get”. Well, let me tellthee, pal, and this is no hype. Until four years ago, Harmony School was as close toheaven that this old mover and Quaker ever got. Just think of all the hundreds of kidswho started at that place with near-zero levels of hope and graduated absolutelyconvinced that everything was eventually going to be alright for them, their loved ones,and their troubled planet. I’ve never been one to steal from the opposition, but therereally ought to be a sign over the school entrance with the following advice: “AbandonHopelessness, All Ye Who Enter These Gates”. Divine blessings upon Steve Bonchek,Daniel Baron, Libby Cosgray, and all the rest of that magnificent Harmony crew.Because of miracle workers of their stature, my heavenly hunch is that everything’s goingto be alright.EpilogueAt the next meeting of the International Governing Council of HereafterishPhenomena, there could be an official ruling as to the authenticity of the letter fromHaines Turner. But does it truly matter whether it was genuinely celestial or simply anot-too-clever counterfeit? It’s a big wide wonderful hereafter with plenty of room fordisagreement. We can all agree that, Yes, Virginia, there is a spirit of Haines Tumerismout there. We can all hope that magnificent spirit is highly contagious; for if it is, we canlook you squarely in the eye and say, “Yes, Virginia. Everything’s going to be alright”.GOOD ,LUCKHARMONYGRADUATESPIZZA» EXPRESS
Source: http://cdm17129.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/hs-harmony/id/2481
Collection: Harmony School

Further information on this record can be found at its source.