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Harmony School, 2000, Page 30

Description: He wanted to be wiped off the earth.As he slumped home, he was confronted by a small,strange old man. The man had little half circle glassesabout to slide off his little wrinkled nose, and a canejust his size. Nile hesitated, but then slowly inchedforward. The old man stayed where he was and didntmove an inch. Then, in a scratchy voice, he said, Thecheese is out there!Nile stared for a moment, then ran as fast as his littlelegs could carry him. For two reasons—first, Nilesometimes hallucinates and the old man startedlooking like a carny. Second, he mentioned cheese,the dreaded cheese, which also scared him; so he ran.He ran straight home where he saw his dog,Cranky, panting and scratching himself wildly.Nile grabbed the key from under the dirty doormat andopened the door. He went to his room and dropped hisstuff on the floor. He left his room quickly to getsomething to eat. He went to the freezer and got a bowlof ice cream. Then he went to watch tv.10/4/99:—Justin Thompson5&6 begins geology themeHeather finishes book on autism for IndependentHistory ReadingIan McFadden interns at True Skateboards forCommunity in the Classroom250 Words on Absolutely NothingNothing is the absence of time. Nothing is when Imrelaxed, and let everything slip from my mind.Nothing is the need for something when you have30
Collection: Harmony School

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