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Harmony School, 1998, Page 120

Description: A History of Peoples Park-InterviewsKathy CanadaKC: In the late z60s (68) we bought the propertyand put in a bunch of hippie shops. It wascontroversial just like the park is now. One Halloweennight one of the stores, called the Black Market, run byAfrican-American students from the university, wasfire bombed by the Ku Klux Klan. After the fire therewas so much controversy about the whole scene withthe city fathers and the zoning people condemned theblock and all the buildings, so we had to tear the wholething down. We never found anything after that to putin there. So thats how it became a vacant lot.U-How did your family get it?KC: It was just on the market and we bought it, as aninvestment.U-Do you still own it now?KC: No, it belongs to the city now. I gave it to thecity in 1975 or 76.U-What would you like to see the grant money go to?KC: Id like to see a building of some sort put on partof it. Two years ago, before they started doing thelibrary addition and had to tear down some buildingsthere, my husband wanted to move the Applegate LawFirm Office--a really nice one story stone building, tothe back of the park and have it be kind of a club housefor teenagers. He tried to get the city behind that butthat didnt work. Then I would like to see a little bitof the money put into landscaping. It gets used so muchthat they should have some kind of area thats notdirt.U-In the paper they talked about things that theywanted to do. They wanted to brick the whole thing,and they wanted to tear down the wall and put in somesort of a wire fixture, but nothings decided and theyrewelcoming teenagers on the committee. A couple of myfriends are on it and everyone Ive talked to says thebrick thing is a bad idea.KC: They definitely shouldnt do the whole thingbut they should do a lot more brick than there is and
Collection: Harmony School

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