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§S2@OSs££§fcs8£ THE LLAMARADA ISSr^^Qfe^THE CLASS WILL OF 35We, the Seniors of the class of 35, are about to leave this school andwith us we will take sweet memories that will never be forgotten. We, beingof sound mind and memory do publish and declare this our latest will andtestimony, in manner and form as follows :I, Emma Adams, do will my ability to catch the school bus to anybodywho likes to sleep as well as I do. Good Luck!! My last seat in the Seniorrow, I leave to Marjorie Brinson.I, Viola Addie, do will my extra height to Opal Fender, my good looks toVirginia Hanna, and all my boy friends to Carolyn South.I, Alan Borden, do will my blond hair to Helen Hanna provided shedoesnt dye it, and my maidenly tendency to blush I will to Joe Fogle.I, Eva Cowden, do will my hearty laugh to Marjorie Curry, and my oldred sweater I leave to Julia McCown.I, Justine Craig, do will my ability to make straight As to DwightRager. and my choice of being an old maid I will to Margaret Brown.I, Milton Crane, do will my ability to play basketball to Julian Steele,and my ability to hum during study period to anyone who is foolish enoughto try it.I, W^illard Elliott, do will my ability to get on the honor roll to EugeneWilliams, and my good looks to Paul Keller and my well groomed hair toJunior Olson.I, Geneva Goble, do will my kiddish ways to Julia McCown, and mylove for Latin I leave to Wynn Patton.I, Gertrude Goble, do will my hearty smile to Maxine Burks, and mylove for History to anyone who wishes to make the grades I did.I, John Guinn, do will my friendship with Virginia Hanna to HeraldKing, and my ability to sing to Margaret Welch.I, Lenora Hamm, do will my 5 feet 7 1-2 inches to Forrest Patton, andmy Sunday afternoons at the WTood Yards to Elizabeth Stevens.I, Delmer Herreid, do will my love for pestering the girls to GarlandRanard, and my artistic skill to Mary Underwood.I, Dorothy Ison, do will my position as negro comedian to Janet Harris,and my 42 inches of long hair to Mary F. Goodall.I, Harley Jackson, do will my heart and mind, which during my schooldays at E. H. S. belonged to Eva Cowden, I now leave to Mid. Ratliff.19 3 5Page fifteen |
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Ellettsville High School |
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