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Ellettsville High School, The Flash, 1930, Page 13

Description: T II E F LAS H13The FRESHMENBOTTOM ROW—Edith Underwood, Violet Jean Brown, Mable Rowe, Esther Knight,Gladys Kelly, Eugene Blough, Leon Engledow, Hubert Stimson. SECOND ROW—Ralph Stevens, Marie Elliott, Amelia Muir, Horace Maners, Mary Jane Taylor, EmmaJean Stansbury, Annabell Rainey, Earl Westfall, Marion Welch. THIRD ROW—Gretchen Maners, Juanita Stultz, Frances Harding, Dorothy McHenry, Mary LouiseMay, Edward Wickens, Nella Buskirk, Kenneth Goodman, Dan Smith. TOP ROW—Doris Raper, Dorothy Brown, Herman Gillispie, Wayne Williams, Lee Eads, WillardOlsson.In September, 1921 the class of 33 started their educational career under the leadership of Frances Brown. The following little tots entered school that year: Emma Jean Stansbury, Juanita Stultz,Esther Knight, Gladys Kelly, Frances Harding, Mary Jane Taylor, Amelia Muir, Nina Litten, RuthStarnes, Violet Jean Brown, Mary Louise May, Ralph Stevens, Hubert Stimson, Marion Welch,Wayne Williams, Leon Engledow, Herman Gillaspie, and Floyd Rice. After conquering the manytrials that beset us we were promoted to the second grade, our teacher being Ruby Van Buskirk.Olive Hepley was our instructor during the third year of our schooling and Luella McShane duringthe fourth and fifth. In the sixth year we were taught by Thelma Hawkins.On entering Junior High we often became lost in the many rooms and it seemed as if we wouldnever grasp all the things there were to learn. Mr. H. D. McAdams helped us to organize our classfor the first time in its history. The officers for that year were: President, Ralph Stevens; Vice-President, Harriet Curry; Secretary, Esther Knight; Treasurer, Gladys Kelly. After passing successfully through the seventh grade we were promoted into the eighth and thought we were quite anecessity to the school. Martha Ritenour sponsored the class, although we had no definite officers.In the fall of 1929 we entered old E. H. S. as green freshies and were considered as such bythe upper classmen. Mr. Williams sponsored the class and the following officers were elected: President, Emma Jean Stansbury; Vice-President, Ralph Stevens; Secretary, Robert Miller; Treasurer,Hubert Stimson. Robert moved away and Frances Harding was chosen to fill out his unexpired term.For our class colors we selected pink and green and for our flower, the sweet pea.On March 17, we held a Freshman Day and served a banquet in the evening. We will admit thatthere was more fun than learning on that memorable day but in combining the two we finally succeeded in getting everything ready for the banquet. A good time was enjoyed by all those who attended. After our class day we again settled down to hard study.The class officers who have been elected for the coming vear are: President, Harriet Curry; Vice-President, Violet Jean Brown; Secretary, Juanita Stultz; Treasurer, Mary Louise May.We are now all diligently applying ourselves to our books, hoping we will all be here togethernext year as Sophomores.
Collection: Ellettsville High School

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