Ellettsville High School, Llamarada, 1935, Page 31

Description: ^2§Gfet^28£ THE LLAMARADAGUESS WHO OR WHATThe four Seniors were who went chest-nut hunting?Always helped Dorothy Ison read her affectionate French letters?Senior boy has other interests at Purdue other than education?Tried to cremate himself in the assembly?Five boys who were expelled from school?The two Senior girls are that get home in time to come to school?Received a letter from Paragon and lost it?\\ hat man teacher has had the harrowing experience of guidingSenior class through high school?Taught Emma Adams mathematics and then wondered whycouldnt divide?Senior girl tried to break the typing record of a former graduate?What teacher falls for a coppers uniform?Wears out papa Stevens rugs?Took a hand full of pills on January 11, 1935?What Freshie the} call Mae West?*Whose bracelet Harold King wears ?Senior boy always has a tooth-pick in his mouth ?Who went to Senior English Class with her shoe off?A member of the twelfth grade fell for an eighth grade boy?The expert calculator of peas?The negro servant was in The Spare Room?Senior boy who needs a shave?Disobeys one of the Girls Council Rules excessively?Senior girl claims she took cold sitting in a theatre?WThat Junior has the graceful figure?Senior boy who has a perfect waverLikes sugar in his macaroni?After quitting her boy friend, quit school the next day?Played the radio until the battery run down ?Teacher took Carl Smith down the hall with her arm around him?New teacher the Junior High call the flirt?Had to help his dad buy a tractor on March 15, 1935?theshe19 3 5Page thirty-one
Source: http://cdm17129.contentdm.oclc.org/cdm/ref/collection/hs-ellettsvil/id/107
Collection: Ellettsville High School

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