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SPRING 115GREATEST TRICK STARIt has been said that senior Olivia Ashbahappens to be one of the greatest track stars towalk through the halls of Edgewood High School.Throughout Ashbas high school track career,she broke six school records: 100, 200, 400, 100-meter hurdles, 300-meter hurdles and the polevault. She also won 13 out of a possible 16 WICtitles in her storied four-year career, according togirls head coach Brian Rosenburgh. Ashbassuccess resulted in a full-ride scholarship for trackto Ball State University.Coming up from junior high, Ashba was told thather success at the junior high level wouldntautomatically translate to the high school level. Sixschool records and a full-ride scholarship later, itssafe to say Ashba made the transition just fine.Being one of the best track stars ever is apretty awesome feeling, Ashba said. Leaving somany records allows people to remember me foranother ten years after I leave Edgewood. Im gladI can be a part of Edgewoods history.Which event was your favorite and why?f %My favoriteevent,for trackwas the 4X100because I reallyenjoyed workingwith all of the girlson the team. Wealways had a lotof fun together.-SophomoreIreland ButcherMy favorite eventwas the 4X100because you donthave to run it alone.Its also challengingbecause sometimesits difficult to passthe baton to thenext person.-SophomoreElizabeth Conway |
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Edgewood High School |
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