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Edgewood High School, El Corral, 2013

Description: FALL 35The Lady Mustangs kicked off their seasonon August 14th with a match againstBloomington South where they lost 0-3.Although their first game took place in Auguthey started preseason workouts in March andcontinued into the summer. During thesummer, their early morning practicesconsisted of sprints, cards, and stairs.Summer nights consisted of scrimmagingagainst each other as well as other schools.The team spent almost every waking momenttogether through practice and various bondingtrips. The varsity girls traveled to MackinacIsland in Michigan for a six-day team bondingexperience. While in Michigan, they competedin multiple matches against different schools,decorated hats, swam in the pool, enjoyed aferry ride, and shopped downtown. Every yearthe girls have a campout at CoachCarmichaels, but this year they decided to trysomething different by staying in a cabin inCrane. This trip helped the girls from bothvarsity and JV get to know each other better.The volleyball team highlighted their seasonwith a sectional and regional championship.Their season fell short in the Jasper Semistatewith a loss to Jasper High School as the LadyMustangs finished with a record of 25-12 anda ranking of 122nd in the state. All of theirhard work, dedication, and confidence reallypaid off in the end for these ladies!October is known as National Breast CancerAwareness Month. During this month, many charitiesraise funds for research, prevention, diagnosis,treatments and cures for this terrible disease. Inhonor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, thevolleyball team hosted their second annual Dig Pinknight. Beforehand, the girls on the team sold T-shirtsas shown above. They raised approximately $2,000for the Susan G. Komen foundation, a breast cancerfoundation in Indianapolis.
Collection: Edgewood High School

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