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Edgewood High School, El Corral, 2000, Millenia Review 7

Description: *-„> *aQstGuglielmo Marconi invents the radio,providing a way for sound to travel longdistances without the use of wires. Duringthe 1920s and 1930s, radio is the primarysource of news and family entertainmentfor most Americans._4 Austria introduces the first postcards. For■flpf- only pennies, postcards keep people in touchbefore telephones are common. Calling cards,commercial valentines and other printedpersonal greetings are popular customs.-<[&K Inventor^^ Thomas Edisonpatents a practical electriclight bulb. Electric lightshave a profound effecton society, increasingopportunities for reading,writing, socializingand working.^^ Pony Express A Viewers marvel affft Mickey Mouse ^) Bell Labs inventsat earlysilent movies.^)aflpU.S. womenwin right to \(fyfirst transistor.dffll King deliversI Have a Dreamspeech.Drive-in theatersattract crowds.^^A Vietnam War A Berlin Wall falls. Asparks protests.^^TV carriesPresidei funeral.MTV goes on air.a^jp[becomes1^-jik^ Movie makinJsjii** experiences agolden age in the late1930s and early 1940s. In 1939,Gone With the Wind andThe Wizard of Oz premiere.Citizen Kane follows in 1941,andGzsoMz/zazinl942. Studiogiants are MGM, Paramount,RKO and Warner Brothers.<<g> PerSOnal^r computersbecome available tothe mass market, thuspaving the way fordesktop publishing.By 1990, laptop notebookcomputers allow peopleto compute fromalmost anywhere.A Television is invented in 1926, and regular-at^- network TV broadcasts begin after World WarII. One of TVs most popular shows is CBSsI Love Lucy, premiering in 1951. Televisiontransforms almost every aspect of life in thetwentieth century.WWA Millions of people worldwide cruise the-fjJppV Information Highway via the Internet, andinstantaneous e-mail communicationbecomes common. As the millenniumends, computer, TV video and telephonetechnologies begin to converge.
Collection: Edgewood High School

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