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*■*^•Europeansuse engravedwooden blocks to printplaying cards, one of thefirst uses of printing inEurope. Playing cardscome to Europe fromthe Middle East duringthe Crusades.-<f~Soccer is first, played in America, using asheeps bladder as a ball. As the millenniumcloses, millions of American youth play inorganized soccer leagues. In 1999, the U.S.womens soccer team wins the World Cup.Archery competition is a common pastime inthe Middle Ages. Archery skill is so importantthat English kings ban football because ittakes men away from archery practice.Golf is apopularsport in Scotland. In1552, Saint Andrewsis a favorite placefor golfing. Mary,Queen of Scots isreportedly the firstwoman golfer andhelps spread golfspopularity in Europe.t| Europeans ^^invent checkersstone ball.Norway introducesalpine skiingas sport.French enjo:early formof tennis.Baseball is firstplayed as anorganized sport at Hoboken,N J., when the New York Clubdefeats the KnickerbockerBaseball Club on June 19.More than 100 years later,Jackie Robinson breaks thecolor barrier in major leaguebaseball in lacrosse.Ice hockeyin Canada.James Naismithinvents basketball.Scottish blacksmithinvents pedal Iinstalls firstroller coaster.affifoFootball fansenjoy firstSuper Bowl.Yoyo isintroducedin U.S.Barbie is horn.Game consolesCorbis-Bettmann/UPITony Esparza/CBS/Entertainment CommunicationsJgh Game shows become widely popular TV fare in~**r>~ the 1950s. One of the top 10 shows of 1959, NBCsThe Price Is Right, still draws large audiencesin 1999 on CBS, where it is the longest-runninggame show in television history.Athens, Greece, hosts the first modernOlympics. Winter Games are not held until1924. At the 1998 Winter Olympics, Americanfigure skaters Tara Lipinski and Michelle Kwanwin the gold and silver medals respectively,and Chinas Lu Chen wins the bronze.Parker Brothers introduces Monopoly, whichbecomes one of the worlds most successfulboard games. By the late 1990s, the populargame is available on interactive CD.WMi |
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Edgewood High School |
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