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I/llI IIHHBIIFrench transportation workers strike againsttheir government throughout the month ofDecember, shutting down the airlines and themetro system, after France increases theretirement age from 50 to 55 and lengthensthe work week from 37 to 39 hours in effortsto cut spending.AP/Wide WorldPope John Paul II visits NewJersey. New York andMaryland, and addresses theUnited Nations. He speaks outon social, economic, politicaland moral themes.Wrap artist Christo createsWrapped Reichstag forthe city of Berlin by coveringthe former home of the Germanparliament with one millionsquare feet of silver fabricin June.Heads of many of the 186member nations gather inNew York to celebrate the 50thanniversary of the UnitedNations in October.Philippe Giraud, SygmaIn late May, a doctor performsemergency surgery aboard BritishAirways flight 32 using a coathanger, a knife and fork, and ascissors sterilized in brandy to savea woman whose life is threatenedby a collapsed lung.Tahitian protests escalateinto riots after Francedetonates a nuclear test device750 miles from the South Pacificisland. Frances Septemberresumption of tests after athree-year moratorium bringsglobal condemnation.In a powerful address to theU.N.s Fourth World Conferenceon Women in Beijing, China,attended by 30,000 women from180 countries, U.S. First LadyHillary Rodham Clinton declares,Womens rights are humanrights, to a desk-thumping,applauding audience.Shock waves hit the Middle Eastwhen Israeli Prime MinisterYitzhak Rabin is shot and killedwhile leaving a peace rally in TelAviv November 4. His murderer.Jewish extremist Yigal Amir,fanatically opposes peacenegotiations with the PalestineLiberation Organization.Marxist Cuban President FidelCastro abandons his Havanacigar and military fatigues for asuit and tie on a diplomatic visitto New York in October, wherehe tries to convince the U.S. tolift its 33-year-old trade embargoon still-communist Cuba.Madman Shoko Asahara, leaderof the Japanese apocalypticreligious cult, Aum Shinrikyo. isarrested on May 16 and chargedwith the Tokyo subway nerve-gasattack that left 12 people deadand injured 5,500 more in March.Fifty years after the end of WorldWar II, Japan remembers thosekilled by the atomic bombdropped on Hiroshima. A solitarybuilding left standing after theblast, now a memorial called theAtomic Bomb Dome, symbolizesthe horrors of war and the priceof peace. |
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Edgewood High School |
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