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Edgewood High School, El Corral, 1987, Page 66

Description: r uture Leaders Keep ActiveThe Student Council keptactive organizing several activities this year. Homecomingwas their first main event. Theycoordinated the HomecomingParade, gueen elections, SpiritWeek, Class Clash, and thedance.Students and faculty worepajamas and togas to schoolduring Spirit Week, and after anight of fun and games, the juniors won Class Clash.Several clubs and groupsparticipated in the parade before the Homecoming footballgame. After the game, the Student Council held a dance toend their busy but successfulweek.For the Valentines Dance,the Student Council decoratedthe cafeteria with hearts of pinkand red to create a romanticenvironment. During the blooddrive, the Student Council andBobby Blood Drop aided theRed Cross workers in collecting 67 units of blood.Due to the motivation of itsmembers, the Student Councilwas able to purchase a stoneEdgewood High Schoolsign, which will be up nextyear. Congratulations to ourfuture leaders!Theres no better place to take a datethan to the Valentines Dance!Student Council row 1: M. Arthur, D. Sanders, R. Interland, S. May, Mr. Toney—sponsor: row 2: C. Durnil, V. Rightley,CM. Merrimon; row 3: A. Wesolowski, M. Saft, L. Weaver, T. Getts—president, B. Wickens—vice president, C. Paxson—secretary, S. Sloan—treasurer; row 4: T. Adams, C. Ray, T. Nice, J. Combs, M. McKee, V. Osborne, T. Heichelbech; row 5: S.Southern, C. Rambo, S. Weaver, C. Winkler, C. WoodIs football star Tony Kassessieh actually afraid to give blood?Student Council members recuperate and volunteer their service in the can- Excited Valentines gueen and king Christy Paxson and Steve Sloan dance the Jteen area of the blood drive. first slow song together.66Activities
Collection: Edgewood High School

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