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Edgewood High School, El Corral, 1987, Page 63

Description: kitt- ; i ..KpMPt^;.^ ^ifc^f -^pBLw^H~ ■ > aL_i/ w^f•< ^ ^fl ****** <IK»iiiSarah Zirkle and Roger Cowden show their artistic talents.Tyler Curry and Jay Jack definitely look like Bosom Buddies.After the final bell sounded to end theschool day, students tossed their booksin their lockers, grabbed their coats,and uttered sighs of relief. While some peoplecaught the bus to go home, many Mustangsstayed at school to participate in the extra-curricular activities of their choice.The shorter school day didnt give us an extra15 minutes just to waste. This time was used toentertain an audience, increase school spirit,provide services to the community, or unitepeople with a common interest.Mustang performers made singing anddancing look so easy, it was hard to imaginehow much work was put into entertaining anaudience. Members of Music Warehouse spenttwo hours after school for four nights a weekdeveloping their natural talent. The cast ofBye, Bye Birdie practiced two hours everynight until opening night was a week away,then practice was increased to four hours eachnight.Being a good Samaritan is no easy task asclub members might say. N.H.S. and Key Clubspent over a month collecting canned goods forneedy people in the community. The Home Ec.Club put out a lot of effort to have their annualmitten tree to warm the hands of the less fortunate.When academic pressure builds up, studentsoften used activities to relax and have a goodtime. The French Club increased its annual activity to put on a Mardi Gras party in the cafeteria. The Ski Club eased tension by sliding downthe slopes on Monday nights.When the school year got dull, activities always found a way to set the pace for social life!Divider63
Collection: Edgewood High School

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