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Round-offs, back handsprings, back-handsprings to a backtuck—Does thissound exciting? Well it is if you are intogymnastics! Gymnastics is a very exciting winter sport with a lot of tough competition against surrounding schools.The training for the sport is gruelingwith a lot of stretching and running forendurance. Mental concentration is akey factor in the competition because ifyou lose concentration it could result in aterrible spill. Despite the risk, all of thegymnast strive for the ultimate blue ribbon.Like other sports, gymnastics doesntget the attention that it should. Few people know much about the sport which isfrustrating to the girls. Like everyoneelse, they want to be recognized. Whenasked why she liked the sport Kris Clarkreplied, Because the competition istight.Although the sweat, pain, and themuscle strain is hard on the girls, theycome through in the end to representEdgewood High School with pride.Tammy flies over the vault.Rene shows determination.First row—Dana Harper, Cindy Moore. Row 2—Kris Clark, Tammy Radar, Coach Suttonand Juli Baker. Row 3—Cassie Howell, Michelle Siniard, Tina Sims, Anita McCoy, Rene HiBarger, Stacy Doty, Julie Grubb, Tricia Ensman, Jenny Haag.nchman, Tina22 |
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Edgewood High School |
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